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The Derwent Valley: The Story of a Photo Book – Ashley Franklin tells the story of how he assembled the first-ever photo book to celebrate the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site published in November 2023.
Ashley’s talk will take us through the book’s three thematic sections – Industrial Heritage, People and Places and Wildlife – and show how the book encapsulates the valley’s historical significance, its communities, and its rich biodiversity.
Your Village Hall needs a little help. We have arranged an Open Morning at the Village Hall and will be serving Breakfast Baps along with teas and coffees on Saturday Ist March 2025 9.30 am to 11.30 am.
Please come along and enjoy the company of your neighbours and friends, meet the Hall Trustees, and see what the hall has to offer: Licenced premises, a stage, concerts, indoor sports, and arts and crafts, to name a few . . .
Preparing for apocalypse – Britain and the Cold War. – Jed Jaggard.
The Cold War was an ongoing political rivalry between the United States, the Soviet Union and their respective allies that developed after World War II. There was no direct military engagement between the United States and the Soviet Union. However, this period was anything but “cold”.
The Salvation Army – Danny Wells.
Catherine Booth was fortified with the spirit and convictions of early 19th-century rural Methodism of the Midlands. Having met a kindred spirit in William Booth of Nottingham, they were to take their pre-industrial Methodist creed into the religious and political fulcrum of the East End of London in the second half of the century.
The response of the Booths to the poverty, hunger, squalor and ‘sin’ that they observed all around them, was to create the Salvation Army as a ‘Way out of Darkest England’.
It became the fastest-growing religious movement of late Victorian Britain and is still a religious and social service agency of international importance today.

Labour of Love: The Orton & Spooner Story
These days, there are not that many companies in the fairground game that manufacture rides and shows—and those that do are not exactly household names. But one company is just as famous now as it was in its heyday, in the first half of last century.
On 29 April, Elaine Pritchard offers her presentation on the local, world-renowned fairground company.